Pitti 90 – first thoughts Pitti 90 was already my 5th fair. The first I attended was the 86th edition in January 2014. Has it changed? After few times, can you see a difference? Do you experience it in different way now? I think there are different stages of experiencing Pitti for everyone. First edition is always very exciting and you …
Pitti 87 – Lubiam
Pitti 87 – Lubiam Another brand I wanted to show is Italian menswear clothing specialist called Lubiam. Lubiam has been founded by Luigi Bianchi in 1939 even though he has owned a menswear store since 1911. The location of the premises of the first shop was his home town – Mantova, in North Italy and this is partly where the name …
Pitti 87 – GTA Manifattura Pantaloni
Pitti 87 GTA Manifattura Pantaloni I must admit this is the brand I have never heard of before. Trousers making brands are not the most popular in the clothing market, the only well know that produces RTW trousers is Incotex. Therefore I got interested because rich colours on the display caught my eye. GTA Maniffatura Pantaloni is an Italian brand, formely …
Pitti 87 – Lardini
Pitti 87 Lardini Day 3 Day 3 at Pitti was basically all about meeting friends, both new and old, taking photos, networking and socializing. I also focused a little bit more on visiting brands and taking proper photos, not only with my phone. In the following weeks I will show you brands I visited and those I like most. Today I start …
Pitti 87 – part 2
Pitti 87 – part 2 Day 2 Day 2 was very difficult, probably for everyone at Pitti. It was Wednesday so the day after the first night out. It was quite obvious that people had good fun the night before as the fair was relatively empty by midday. The ones who arrived, either for work or just because they were …
Pitti Uomo 87 is coming!
Pitti Uomo 87 is coming! Yes! It is this time of a year, no, not Christmas. Every one seriously into #menswear has already started preparing looks and thinking about all 3 or 4 outfits that is going to wear during Pitti. I do not have to introduce this event to any of the readers I think but for the sake …