Suitsupply Spring/Summer Campaign
I have recently written a post on Suitsupply Spring Summer collection and the items I like most. Since then the brand have launched their new campaign called ‘Dives Into The Blue’. Everyone that have known Suitsupply for more than a couple of years is aware that they always made their campaigns interesting to say the least. Many times it involved barely dressed models – which was not to everyone’s liking but definitely worked well in terms of media attention. I am pretty sure some younger guys loved the idea of wearing Suitsupply suit and being admired by beautiful women.
Kilka dni temu napisalem post z serii “Ulubione produkty z nowej kolekcji Suituspply..”. Od czasu wystawienia letnich rzeczy na przedsprzedaz marka opublikowala takze najnowsza kampanie reklamowa zatytulowana ‘Dives Into The Blue’. Kazdy kto jest mniej lub wiecej zaznajomiony z Suitsupply wie, ze slyna oni z dosc odwaznych i zapadajacych przez to w pamiec kampanii. W wielu przypadkach nieodlacznym jej elementem sa rozneglizowane modelki – cos co moze nie kazdemu przypadnie do gustu – ale zdecydowanie zdalo egzamin w przypadku dotarcia do mlodszego odbiorcy. Jednym z najczestszych motywow sesji zdjeciowych byl raczej mlody mezczyzna w wieku ok 30-35 lat adorowany przez piekne kobiety.
This time is not that much different. Almost nude models are swimming in the pool around men – as if they were water muses or mermaids. Photos from the campaign also reminds me of this painting by Sandro Boticelli. I think the campaign was actually inspired by paintings like this one and it really is much more important rather than only seeing nude model on the photo. Really like the idea.
Tym razem, kolekcja wiosna/lato 2015 nie rozni sie zbyt wiele. Jest jednak jedno ‘ale’. Najnowsza sesja zostala wykonana pod woda, w basenie, a modelki inspirowane byly wodnymi muzami lub syrenami. Cala kampania niewatpliwie kojarzyc sie moze z obrazem Boticelliego (zdj wyzej). Musze przyznac, ze mi osobiscie akurat ta kampania bardzo sie podoba i zdecydowanie jest to cos wiecej niz tylko zdjecia golych modelek w otoczeniu garniturow.
We wanted to do something we haven’t done before, while, at the same time, illustrating the concept of going ‘into the unknown’Suitsupply CEO Fokke De Jong
Apart from that the technical aspect of campaign being shot under water is very interesting and not easy. It was shot by famous photographer Carli Hermes in a villa in Cape Town. Hermes was also involved in previous campaigns.
Oprocz tego, bardzo podoba mi sie podwodny styl zdjec i aspekt techniczny ich wykonania. Autorem zdjec jest znany holenderski fotograf Carli Hermes. Zdjecia wykonano w luksusowej willii w Kapsztadzie. Hermes byl takze autorem zdjec do poprzednich kampanii reklamowych Suitsupply.
I have to say ‘well done’ Suitsupply.
Collection is already available in stores as well as online.
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