Passaggio Cravatte bespoke seven fold tie (PL)

(02/08/2014) UPDATE on Passaggio Cravatte:

Not so long ago I posted the following post on Passaggio Cravatte ties. Eventhough I had no problems with the tie myself there are several other customers who experienced serious problems. I have read the Styleforum thread on PC (which is now closed as GC ended his cooperation with Styleforum) and many other topics on that. Following issues occured:

  1. difficulties in dating silk, not all fabrics have been what they were presented to be
  2. the definition of ‘vintage’ has been changed by GC, not all are vintage now – previously described as all 100% vintage
  3. the customer service of PC is very bad
  4. customers have not received their ties in months and still have no indication if that will ever happen 
  5. checking whether the silk is hand printed/vintage or not only by touching it – is not the most reliable method to say the least

Certainly there is a lot of doubt because GC decided no to reply on Styleforum or anywhere else and did not give himself a chance to explain. It is not that I will not recommend his ties but please be aware of this should you decide to purchase any ties from PC. You can still enjoy the tie whether it is vintage, new, hand printed or not.

It’s been a while since our last photo-shooting. I finally managed to meet with Matthew and take a couple of shots. Weekend was super warm in London, sunny as well so it was a high time for my latest acquisition.

Minelo troche czasu odkad ostatni raz robilem jakies zdjecia. W koncu spotkalismy sie z Matthew, a ze pogoda wyjatkowo sprzyjala i bylo bardzo cieplo jak na Londyn o tej porze to byl to najwyzszy czas na sesje, w ktorej nawiazuje do mojej najnowszej, a moze nawet najcenniejszej, zdobyczy.

I was contacted some time ago by Gianni Cerutti from Passaggio Cravatte. He offered to make a bespoke tie for me. It is definitely ones dream to have an item made exclusively for him and for a menswear lover like myself it was a great gift. I was very excited and couldn’t wait for the tie to be finished. Gianni is not just another tie maker. It has been a big pleasure for me to participate in this project and I am very grateful to Gianni for making a tie for me. He is a gentleman in every inch and was very keen to make sure I like the tie.

Jakis czas temu skontaktowal sie ze mna Gianni Cerutti z marki Passaggio Cravatte. Zaoferowal, ze wykona dla mnie krawat na zamowienie. Nie watpie ze produkt wykonany na zamowienie to marzenie nie jednego z nas, a tym bardziej dla prawdziwych fanow mody meskiej, wiec prezent od Passaggio Cravatte byl naprawde niesamowitym. Gianni to nie byle kto w szyciu krawatow. To jeden z najwiekszych mistrzow na swiecie, prawdziga liga mistrzow.  Wielka przyjemnoscia bylo dla mnie moc uczestniczyc w tym projekcie i jestem bardzo wdzieczny Gianniemu za wykonanie tego krawata. Gianni to prawdziwy gentleman i osobiscie dbal o to zeby krawat mi sie spodobal i spelnil oczekiwania.

As some of you know Passaggio Cravatte is a small brand which only makes true bespoke ties, most of them in original 7 fold construction – tie is made from a single piece of fabric. Gianni only uses ancient, very old, hand printed silks which no longer exist. You can now imagine how precious a tie can be. Mine is no exception. It is a very light and summer-like tie, super soft and very delicate. The silk feels very natural and its hand finish shows very high quality craft.

Jak niektorzy moze wiedza, Passaggio Cravatte to mala marka produkujaca jedynie eksluzywne krawaty na zamowienie, wiekszosc z nich to prawdziwe 7-fold, wykonane z jednego kawalka tkaniny. Gianni uzywa prawie wylacznie bardzo starego, recznie malowanego jedwabiu, ktore w dzisiejszych czasach juz niemal nie istnieja. Mozna sobie teraz wyobrazic jak cenny staje sie taki produkt. Moj krawat, nie inaczej, to bardzo lekki, wiosenno letni krawat wykonany z niebywale miekkiego i delikatnego jedwabiu. Jest bardzo naturalny w dotyku a recznie wykonczone brzegi sa najwyzszej jakosci.

After I agreed to review Passaggio Cravette’s tie Gianni send me a link to his archives. It was like browsing history of silk and was very inspiring. There was so much choice I hardly decided on the top three fabrics I like most. I got a response then saying that my tie is in the making and would be ready in approximately 1 month. After that I got my shipped by express courier service and could start enjoying it. To be honest the best was the waiting time..I did not know which one of the three fabrics was chosen by Gianni so it meant to be a surprise.

Po tym jak, naturalnie, zgodzilem sie na wykonanie dla mnie krawata, Gianni wyslal mi link do probek swoich materialow. Byly ich setki, a przeszukiwanie ich to niemal jak grzebanie rekami w historii Wloch.. Wybor byl tak duzy, ze z trudem zdecydowalem sie na trzy tkaniny ktore podobaly mi sie najbardziej. Po krotkim czasie zostalem powiadomiony, ze praca nad krawatem sie rozpoczela i powinienem go oczekiwac za ok 1 miesiac. Gianni zastosowal tez maly trick, poniewaz nie powiedzial, ktora tkanine wybral z trzech zaoferowanych przeze mnie, sprawiajac mi na koniec nie lada niespodzianke. 

The finish of the tie is beautiful. It has hand rolled edges and is untipped. I will leave you with that for now. Enjoy the photos!

You can see more work of Passaggio Cravatte at their tumblr: http://passaggiocravatte.tumblr.com

Thank you very much Gianni for cooperation.

Wykonanie krawata jest niesamowite. Recznie rolowane brzegi i konstrukcja bez podszewki sa wspaniale. Mysle, ze dosyc juz pisania, czas zobaczyc jak wyglada w rzeczywistosci. Co myslicie o wyborze tkaniny? A konstrukcja, czyz nie jest niesamowita?

Wiecej zdjec i produktow Passaggio Cravatte mozecie znalezc na ich tumblrze pod adresem: http://passaggiocravatte.tumblr.com

Jeszcze raz dziekuje Gianniemu za wspolprace i mam nadzieje, ze nie jest to moj ostatni krawat od Passaggio Cravatte..
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