(02/08/2014) UPDATE and new facts on PC ties can be found in the note to this post.
Not all information provided in the text below is relevant now. I do not want to delete the old post, simply have a look at the update note in the linked post.
Later this month bespoke tiemaker Passaggio Cravatte will be holding a Trunk Show in London.
Gianni Cerutti, founder of Passaggio Cravatte, contacted me some time ago and offered to make a tie for me (my post about Passaggio Cravatte). I really appreciated that as I think he produces some of the most beautiful ties in the world. The bespoke process of making a tie usually takes place via email. On 20th and 21st of May, you will have a great opportunity to see the fabrics yourself in person and place an order for an unique tie.
All fabrics used by Passaggio Cravatte are vintage fabrics, usually around 50 or more years old. All are hand printed many years ago. Gianni’s ties are one of a kind and if you think a special fabric and a true seven fold tie is for you (why wouldn’t it?) then please visit Gianni and myself during his Trunk Show in London. See more photos of Gianni’s work below.
In order to book an appointment please send an email to: mikolaj@blueloafers.com or info@passaggiocravatte.com.
The Trunk Show will be held at:
20th May, 5am – 9pm and 21st May, 11am – 3pm
The Dukes Hotel
35 St. James Place